This article describes how to restart a home network the proper way. Do this when your internet is not working before you call Tech Support. 1. Shut down your computer. 2. Unplug the power to your modem. This is the box from your cable or DSL provider. 3. Unplug the power to your VOIP phone adapter. If you don't have one skip this step. 4. Unplug the power to your router. 5. Wait 45 seconds. 6. Plug in your modem and wait for lights to stabilize on a specific pattern. (Usually takes about 1 minute) 7. Plug in your router and wait until the lights stablize or the router has started up.(Usually takes about 30 seconds) 8. Plug in you VOIP phone adapter and wait until you have a dial tone on your phone again (if you have VOIP service). If you don't have one skip this step. 9. Start your computer. 10. You have now completed a power cycle and you should be able to get back online. Other Tips1. If you can't get online check if your modem has a Internet On/Off Button or a Standby Button. If it does try pushing that button and see if the lights change or come on. 2. Check all your cables and wires and make sure they are all snug and secure. 3. Get familiar with the pattern of the lights on your modem and all network devices. if you know what light is wrong Tech Support can use that to determine what is causing the problem with your Internet connection. Write it down when it is working if you don't know what it normally is. 4. If you have to call Tech support stay positive, talk with the Rep as you would your best friend, tell a joke or try to find things you have in common (i.e. location, weather, sports). They will go the extra mile to help resolve your issue. All Articles
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