Sex and Health
Orgasmic Diet
In her recently published book, The Orgasmic Diet (Three Rivers Press, 2007), Marrena Lindberg proposes a sexual diet that has the power to give women back their sexual health and ability to enjoy sexual pleasure. Essentially, the Orgasmic Diet is based on four essential factors that impact and enable healthy sexual functioning in women:
~Sufficient free testosterone,
~Balanced dopamine-serotonin levels,
~PC muscle tone, and
~Healthy genital circulation.
The Orgasmic Diet achieves all four of these effects, enabling high sexual desire and intense sexual responsiveness. Lindberg is in the process of acquiring support for her research protocol and has garnered medical and professional support from experts in the field of sexual responsiveness. Here is how The Orgasmic Diet works; it
~Raises free testosterone by emphasizing high protein, zinc, and magnesium;
~Balances the levels of two important neurotransmitters regulating women's libido and sexual functioning, specifically dopamine and serotonin, through an increase of Omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil supplements;
~Further boosts dopamine (the neurotransmitter enabling women to experience sexual pleasure) via healthy amounts of dark chocolate;
~Keeps serotonin from spiking and interfering with a proper serotonin-dopamine balance by decreasing or altogether eliminating caffeine; and
~Improves blood flow by the pro-circulatory benefits of fish oil and increases vaginal muscle tone through targeted exercise.
High dopamine does improve female libido, so much so that several dopamine drugs are currently in Phase I clinical trials. High serotonin does decrease sexual function—antidepressants are already being prescribed for premature ejaculation, and the crippling anti-sexual side effects of antidepressants use for women are a well-documented and active field of research for the medical community. Free testosterone does control desire, and the number of women getting off-label testosterone replacement therapy to help with FSD and the enormous popularity of books on the topic attest to how widespread and generally accepted it is, to the point where it has generated a backlash movement among some sex therapists at the blanket use of TRT for all women, no matter their case histories. PC muscle tone has already been proven to help female sexual response, especially with a high correlation to vaginal orgasmic ability. And finally the importance of good genital blood circulation has also entered the mainstream. It didn’t have enough of an effect for Viagra to pass clinical trials, but there is enough anecdotal evidence of women out there "borrowing" their husbands' little blue pills and enjoying the results to make the idea certainly plausible, in combination with other factors to make a more noticeable improvement in the general population.
So the diet is quite simple: high in protein, low in carbs, and high in particular fats. Take fish oil supplements, some vitamins and minerals, lower or eliminate caffeine, eat a good amount of dark chocolate, and finally, exercise your PC muscles. That's it. There is nothing outlandish about the diet; everything a woman needs can be purchased at her supermarket or local drugstore, except for the PC muscle exercise device, a $40 purchase easily done online. There is nothing exotic or dangerous in the diet. In fact, the diet consists of common vitamins and minerals and foods most of us are already eating anyway. The only rather unusual things in the Orgasmic Diet are the recommendations for eating dark chocolate and consuming lots of fish oil, but chocolate and fish have been eaten (and overeaten) and studied for centuries. And really, don't you want someone telling you to eat chocolate every day because it's good for you anyway?
So what I suggest is -- try it!