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Sex and Health

Orgasm Killers and Intercourse Paintful

Did you know that certain things we eat and drink have a direct impact on libido and sexual responsiveness? In her recently published book, The Orgasmic Diet (Three Rivers Press, 2007), Marrena Lindberg points out something interesting -- studies show that certain foods and substances that cause a spike in the neurotransmitter serotonin actually inhibit libido and sexual responsiveness ... in both women and men.

Serotonin is necessary for your health. But when not kept in balance with dopamine (another important neurotransmitter), sexual problems arise.

Here's the short list of serotonin-spiking orgasm killers:

CAFFEINE. This one is probably no surprise, since we drink coffee and other caffeinated drinks for the buzz.

GINGKO AND GINSENG. While touted as aphrodisiacs, these two do spike serotonin, which is a problem, especially for women.

SMOKING. Nicotine may give you an initial burst of dopamine, but it wears off quickly, leaving you with a spike in serotonin that negatively impacts both your libido and your genital circulation.

STARCH AND SUGAR. Studies have shown that when you eat starchy carbs and sugars, you raise your serotonin levels. So when eating these foods, pair them with foods containing protein, fiber, and/or healthy fats, which will offset the effect of the starch and sugar.

Don't Suffer in Silence!

Many women suffer from intense pain during intercourse, a condition known as "dyspareunia." To add insult to injury, often these women are too embarrassed or ashamed to talk about it - with either their doctor or their partner.

Whether mild or severe, this pain can disrupt any pleasure during sex - and it can also interefere with or undermine an intimate relationship, especially when a woman is reticent to discuss the situation with her partner.

Some of dyspareunia's causes include vaginismus (the spasming of the vaginal muscles), scarring from an episiotomy, and the thinning and drying of the vaginal walls due to menopause. In some cases, the pain during intercourse can also have more serious implications, such as the existence of pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cysts, and endometriosis. You may also be suffering from a sexually transmitted disease (STD) or reacting to some kind of psychological trauma.

Regardless of the cause or degree of discomfort, you should most definitely seek help from a physician or counselor.

And here are some questions you may want to ask:

~Can you tell me what's causing this pain?
~Am I a candidate for hormonal treatment?
~Should I use lubricants, and which one is best?
~Should I tell my partner?

And remember - don't suffer in silence.


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