Age: 49
Fortune: Inherited and growing
Source: Petrochemicals
Net Worth: $20.1 bil
Country Of Citizenship: India
Residence: Mumbai , India, Asia & Australia
Industry: Manufacturing
Marital Status: Married, 3 children
Education: University of Bombay, Bachelor of Arts / Science Stanford University, Master of Business Administration
Snatched title of India's richest resident from Azim Premji. Since splitting with younger brother Anil in 2005 and taking control of $20 billion (revenues) Reliance Industries, founded by his late father Dhirubhai Ambani, fortune has soared by $11 billion. Oil-refining subsidiary Reliance Petroleum, in which Chevron has 5% stake, listed May 2006. Betting $5.5 billion on retail ventures including Reliance Fresh, a chain of food stores; 60 are now open. Megaplans include $10 billion investment to develop special economic zones. Recently got board approval to hike personal stake in Reliance Industries from 44% to 48%.