Age: 49
Fortune: Inherited
Source: Inheritance
Net Worth: $22.0 bil
Country Of Citizenship: Canada
Residence: Toronto , Canada, North America
Industry: Media/Entertainment
Marital Status: Divorced, 3 children
Education: -
Took control of family fortune after his father, Kenneth Thomson, died last June. Had already succeeded his father as chairman of Thomson Corp., media conglomerate in which the family has a 70% stake, in 2002. Grandfather Roy founded the business in 1934. Company traded away traditional printed titles in order to move into software and electronic media for professionals, like Westlaw, a legal research tool. With his brother Peter also serves as cochair of family's investment concern, Woodbridge. Well known art collectors, the family bought $5 million worth of native North American art at auction last year, including a $1.8 million face mask, the highest amount ever spent on a single piece of native North American art. David said the family bought the collection in honor of his late father.
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